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Rethinking Customary Law and Womens Property Rights In The Context of Legal Pluralism In Nigeria

By: Anthony C. Diala, Phd Add Your Review

Rethinking Rethinking Customary Law and Womens  Property Rights In The Context of Legal  Pluralism In NigeriaCustomary Law and Womens Property Rights In The Context of Legal Pluralism In Nigeria

Product Details

  • Language:English
  • Publisher:
  • Publication Date:
  • Format:PDF
  • Volume:
  • Pages:
  • ISBN10:
  • Edition:

Product Description

Rethinking Rethinking Customary Law and Womens  Property Rights In The Context of Legal  Pluralism In NigeriaCustomary Law and Womens Property Rights In The Context of Legal Pluralism In Nigeria

About Author

Anthony C. Diala, Phd

Anthony C. Diala, Phd

Anthony C. Diala, Phd

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